Supercharge your sales without the hassle of managing an in-house team.


Have you ever dreamed of having a High-Performance Sales Team at your disposal at the cost of a junior sales employee?

Do you know if your sales process needs to be optimized?


It's time to revolutionize your sales approach and propel your business forward


Say goodbye to the complexities of maintaining a sales department and hello to unparalleled growth with our Chief Sales Officer (CSO) as a Service!We understand the challenges of scaling a business while keeping costs in check.That's why we're offering a game-changing solution that allows you to tap into the expertise of top sales performers from Unicorn Startups, all at an affordable price point.

Are you ready to unleash your full sales potential?


Our exclusive program is tailor-made for salespeople alike, providing essential tools, systems, and strategies to kickstart your journey towards sales excellence.

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Still have questions?Book a call with Sales Titans and Carlos will be in charge of answering your questions.We will be happy to help you.

Need help with b2b sales? I got you!Hi Y'all!I'm here to help early stage Startups and sales pros to acquire their first B2B customers.Some things I can help you with?- Achieving the right mindset- Creating your Sales strategy- Developing your ICP- Grow your B2B Sales- Cold outreach optimization- Sales / deal cycle creation and managementWho is this for?- Early stage startups that don't have a salesperson on staff or that need help selling b2b and developing a playbook.- Sales pros that want to elevate their sales game becoming Sales Titans.

About Carlos

- 20+ years in Sales and Biz Dev (I know, I look 20 years old, but I'm 38)
- Sales Top Performer in a Startup Unicorn in 2023 based in Seoul.
- Achieved 100M+ in Sales.
- Created sales cycles from scratch, overachieving sales quotas.
- Hit historical profit records per quarter in several companies as AE.
- Averaged 60+ meetings booked per month as BDR.
- Created & developed Sales Strategies for 100s of Startups and Sales pro's.
- Top 10 Food-Tech Startups in the world in 2017, by Startupbootcamp.
- Top 50 Spanish entrepreneurs in 2018, by “Entrepreneurs”.


Each week I dig into the science of Sales to turn you into a Sales Titan.
3 min/weekly reading that will save you years of learning the hard way.